Anya Nicholson, a journey to wellness.

From barely surviving to med-free & thriving after being sick for 13 years due to an untreated brain injury. I’m here to show you how.

My Story

Hi. I’m Anya, a former forensic accountant turned inspirational speaker. I help people get their lives back like I did and doing so gives me immense joy!

I was sick for 13 years and faced many challenges including Sheehans Syndrome which is a brain injury caused by hemorrhaging during childbirth, SAI, EDS, MCAS, POTS, and more. With the help of fruit, cold-pressed juice, and a high raw vegan diet I’ve lost 120 pounds and kept it off, healed most of my conditions, learned to manage the rest naturally without medication, and I’ve emerged healthier and stronger than I ever was before. 

I was dismissed by the medical system and had to learn to manage my conditions by myself to stay alive. I’m on a personal mission to help others avoid what I went through and to see what is possible by showing how I healed myself and helping you do the same.

I help people figure out their health goals and make changes to achieve them using natural methods through diet, movement, meditation, fasting, and breathwork. These are the things that helped me heal and get my life back.

I’m just a simple woman who found a way to heal and stay alive for my husband and 2 boys that I unschool. When I was sick I wanted to spend all the time I had with them so I kept them home with me and learned how to meet their needs and mine.

All of my experiences that led me here, the good and the bad, have given me a burning desire to help others overcome their ailments and live the lives they deserve, free of medications and limitations. I help you follow simple steps to get your health and life back.

“Anya helped guide me after I had been navigating in the dark…”


Get started with Anya, today.